Hello and welcome to Risen From the Ashes’ first ever blog post. I volunteered to
write the RFTA blog for Karen because, well, she’s really busy out tending to all of the critters
on the farm. I don’t live near the farm so I’m not able to help feed and water the animals, but I can (and did) adopt one of the cutest pups eva from her, and I can write the blog for her!
That’s how it is at RFTA. . .it truly does take a village to make all the parts come together.
You’ve maybe seen Karen’s Facebook posts on occasion. Life will rear its not-so-pretty head as it does with all of us from time to time (can you say car troubles?) and folks will chip in as they can to get chores done, or run kids here and there, or even come over ‘round the clock to help with baby ponies who need constant watching over. And since there are several people who play various parts in this endeavor, we thought it would be good for the first ever blog post to introduce you to everyone.
Karen Thaller / President If you’ve looked at our About Us page, you already know a bit
about Karen. She’s the brainchild behind RFTA and the President as well. That means she mucks stalls, does early morning and evening barn chores, tends to animals in need, visits auctions looking for any critter she might be able to help, arranges adoptions, mans the Risen From the Ashes Facebook page and much, much more. Oh, and did I mention she holds a full-time job in town? She doesn’t have any “spare” time, (insert smiley face here) but if she did, I bet she would enjoy dinner at a Mexican restaurant.
Anthony Thaller / Vice President A little bit of information is shared about Anthony on
the About Us page as well, but you need to know he is the powerhouse behind Risen From the Ashes. He can often be found whittling down his honey do farm list when he isn’t working his full-time job. Anthony is the kind of guy who can take something apart and put it right back together again, and that’s a plus when you run an animal rescue!
Pat Hall / Secretary & Treasurer “Miss Pat” as she’s often referred to is Karen’s
mom. She is, I would say, the linchpin that keeps the wheels on the farm all rolling in the same direction. She is a Jill of All Trades and a huge help in so many ways. She stops over for midday chores and to check on the animals. She has been known to foster and bottle feed baby critters ‘round the clock just so they could grow up big and strong and move to their forever homes. She attends auction outings and goes along on various trips to assist with horse rescue. She is invaluable to the smooth running of Risen From the Ashes.
Sandy Foster / Technology & Fundraising That’s me! I’m the writer behind the
RFTA blog and the person who will soon come knocking with an invitation for you to join us at fun-draisers 2020 to benefit the critters of Risen From the Ashes! I have worked with Karen since 2015 and in my spare time, I do freelance writing. Always an animal lover and a previous horse owner myself, I am thrilled and honored to play a small part in helping the animals of RFTA.
In complete transparency, there is an additional individual who plays a large part at Risen From the Ashes who wishes to remain anonymous. This individual donates much of their time and expertise in providing for the critters on the farm.
These are the core individuals who make up Risen From the Ashes. I would be remiss if I didn’t say that in the short time the rescue has been officially operating, there have
been dozens of people who have stepped up to help in myriad ways. That’s what it takes to keep an endeavor such as RFTA going. . .many people all doing whatever they can, be it big or small. When it comes together, horses get rehabilitated and are able to find their forever homes. Dogs, cats, puppies and kittens are rescued from deplorable conditions and given a second chance at a good life. Countless animals are picked up, dusted off and placed on a better path. . .
If you made it this far, thank you for reading. Future blog posts will focus on current happenings on the farm, “How To” sort of posts, and recommendations on books you can read to help you with caring for your new pet(s).
If you have any questions or suggestions for future blog posts, please get in contact with us.